Our Male Fertility Tests
Sperm Chromatin Integrity Test (SCIT)
High levels of sperm DNA fragmentation in sperm can be a factor in miscarriage and male infertility — so we can test for that.
Retrograde ejaculation evaluation
Here, we determine whether ejaculation is in fact retrograde, and if your sperm can be successfully isolated from the urine for an assisted conception procedure.
Post-vasectomy check
If you’ve had a vasectomy, we can test for the presence of sperm in your ejaculate as part of your routine follow up post-surgery, to verify the success of the procedure.
Semen microbiology
This test detects bacterial infections of the urinary tract that might affect sperm function.
Antisperm antibodies
Tests can also be performed on the semen or the blood of either partner to detect the presence of antisperm antibodies.
Genetic tests
For men with severely depressed sperm counts, we can run a genetic test for the likelihood of you passing the condition on to your children.