Couples who have not conceived after 12 months or have suffered from two or more pregnancy losses are advised to seek medical advice.
Most couples who try to conceive do so successfully within 12 months. Most of these pregnancies will go on to become healthy babies but a certain proportion could also result in a miscarriage or pregnancy loss.
Reasons why a couple cannot conceive or why some pregnancies are lost are complex.
They involve both male and female factors and their interactions with each other.
Ying has expertise in treating couples who have difficulty falling pregnant or who suffer from recurrent pregnancy losses.
He is also able to provide consultations for those who want a general review of their fertility or for those who are considering fertility preservation or elective egg freezing.
Consulting Rooms
Level 3, 321 Kent St
Sydney NSW 2000
137 St Johns Rd,
Glebe, NSW 2037
50-52 Gloucester Rd,
Hurstville NSW 2220
Phone and Fax
T: 1300 323 297
F: 02 8212 8944
Fertility Services available with Dr Ying Li
Female Fertility Tests
Full range of tests for women
Male Fertility Tests
Sperm qaulity, motility and others
Egg Freezing
Female fertility preservation
Sperm Freezing
Male fertility preservation
Assisted Reproductive Technology treatments available with Dr Ying Li
Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnoses / Screening
Ovulation Induction
Ovulation Stimulation
Invitro Fertilisation
Intrauterine Insemination